
A polybag is a type of packaging made of thin, flexible, plastic film or plastic textile. Polybags are used for containing and transporting goods. Most polybags are heat sealed together. At the beginning of the invention of polybags, it was hailed by people because it is easy transportable and cheap. Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of environmental damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, to decay completely. This makes the bags stay in environments longer, in turn leading to great build-up on the natural landscape. In other words, the more plastic bags you use, the greater the chances of environmental damage. Plastic bags are extremely durable. In case you are thinking of this as an advantage, just bring to mind an image of the huge landfill that 0ne visited on the city outskirts, the other day. In most probability, majority of the rubbish present there will comprise of plastic bags only. In other words, plastic bags have led to a great increase in the pollution levels. So we should aware of the bad effects of poly bags and should avoid the use of poly bag in our daily life..
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